
Plant cell walls contain various anti-nutritional factors (ANFs) that pose challenges to optimal animal nutrition. While these compounds provide structural support to plants, they are indigestible by monogastric animals, leading to reduced nutrient absorption and inefficient feed utilsation.

Devenish SmartEnzymes support lower feed costs by enhancing the digestibility of nutrients and mitigating the impact of antinutritional factors in plant-based feed ingredients. This not only improves overall animal performance but also maximizes the efficiency of raw material use, supporting both economic and sustainable production practices.

Our SmartEnzymes range includes:

  • SmartNSPase
  • SmartPhytase
  • SmartProtease

Key features of our SmartEnzymes range:

  • Broad spectrum of activity
  • Multi-fermentation product
  • Active over a wide pH range due to the combination of fungal and bacterial enzymes
  • Increased availability of dietary energy and amino acids
  • Flexible feed formulation
  • Improved feed digestion
  • Break down Anti-Nutritional Factors in feed

How are SmartEnzymes used?

Speak to your Devenish representative to establish the best product and inclusion levels to meet your business needs.

Note: Products not available in the EU

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