The Dietary Energy Optimiser

What is DiNAMIC PG?

An effective fat emulsifier for incorporation into pig diets, optimising the energy utilisation of the diet.

What are the benefits to the producer?

  • DiNAMIC PG will improve FCR by 4%.
  • DiNAMIC PG emulsifies the fat in the diet ensuring the energy from the oil or fat is readily available to support growth.
  • DiNAMIC PG increases porosity of the membrane encouraging nutrients in the lumen of the gut across the membrane and into the blood.

How is DiNAMIC PG used?

DiNAMIC PG is a dry powder and is included in feed at 0.5 - 0.75kg /tonne finished feed. DiNAMIC PG is included in the premix hence there are no handling or mixing issues.

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