DeviGuard CA for gut health and wellbeing

9th October 2024

Within the petfood industry, gut health claims are among the most popular made by brands. Mintel reported that almost a quarter of all pet food product launches in 2023 carried a digestive health claim. This takes the familiar route of following trends in the human food industry with pets frequently being seen as members of the family. The up-close and personal relationship most owners have with their pets means they quickly become aware of changes in their scent, and that of their excrement.

An old, but newly emerging, category of ingredient is rapidly gaining popularity with end-consumers: postbiotics. Its naming similarity with pre- and probiotics aids the correct association with gut health. Where prebiotics act as food for the microbiota, and probiotics are the live bacteria themselves, postbiotics are the collective of dead microorganisms and their metabolites. Postbiotics are not alive and carry the benefit of remaining effective throughout the extrusion and retort process. Also, addition of postbiotics guarantees the included level of beneficial compounds independent of the variable state of the gut.

Part of the postbiotics category includes fatty acids. Consumer perspective on dietary fat has made a shift over the past decades: from all fats being perceived to be bad, to a distinction between ‘good’ and ‘bad’ fats. This is thanks to widespread research into fatty acids, the component parts of fats. The length of the fatty acid chain classifies them into short-, medium- and long chain fatty acids. Each individual fatty acid has its own characteristic traits, as does each class. Furthermore, the ratio of fatty acids in a blend can work synergistically: mitigate their negative effects, or amplify their positive effects. DeviGuard CA is such a synergistic blend of fatty acids with benefits for both dogs and their owners.

DeviGuard CA: a synergistic blend

Decades of research has shown the positive contributions specific fatty acids can make toward the health of animals and humans. Short-chain fatty acids (SCFAs) are powerful gut health promoters, whereas medium-chain fatty acids (MCFAs) are excellent fuel for the brain and support cognitive performance. Anti-inflammatory and immunomodulatory effects are also well documented for these fatty acids.

Above and beyond the benefits of individual fatty acids, there are synergistic effects when combining fatty acids in the correct ratio. For example, one of the short-chain fatty acids supports gut development – a good thing. It can also induce programmed cell death (apoptosis), which plays a crucial role in the immune system. Apoptosis is usually good and controlled, but if healthy cells die, or the rate of apoptosis is inappropriate, then it is bad. A separate medium-chain fatty acid carries its own benefits, alongside keeping the apoptosis-inducing effect of the short-chain fatty acid on the right track. Similar interactions occur for inflammatory effects, bacterial counts in the gut, and the function of the immune system through cytokine production among other mechanisms. Devenish has spent years of research on DeviGuard CA to identify both the correct fatty acids and optimal ratio in which to use them. This includes the choice of encapsulation, which adds to the synergistic effect of the overall blend.

In short, the blend of components is more important than the sum of its parts. Adding multiple fatty acids can provide the benefits of each, plus amplify the benefits and mitigate the negative effects of individual fatty acids. A poor combination of fatty acids cannot provide such synergy. The composition of DeviGuard CA has been optimised to deliver benefits dog owners can see and smell.

Stool quality and stool pick-up

Due to their high level of turnover, cells of the gut lining are among the first to suffer under stress, causing digestive disturbances. The addition of SCFAs for gut development can help to mitigate the negative impacts of stressful situations and support the intestinal barrier against pathogens.

Stool Quality

Alongside serving as a fuel source for gut cells to proliferate and mature, SCFAs play a major role in osmotically drawing water and electrolytes from the colon, thereby performing an osmoregulatory function. The withdrawal of this moisture is one of the factors that improves stool quality in dogs.

Stool Pick-up

Furthermore, digestive upset can stem from reduced digestion due to inflammation of the gut. Despite the need for short-term, targeted inflammation for functioning of the immune system, chronic inflammation is harmful. Specific SCFAs control inflammation through interaction with the NF-κB pathway thereby aiding healthy digestion and good stool quality.

Breath and stool odour

Inclusion of DeviGuard CA in canine diets decreased the dogs’ breath odour and stool odour.

Breath Odour

Bad breath odour in dogs is typically caused by an oral hygiene problem, digestive health problems, or both. DeviGuard CA acts to improve digestive health and suppresses the number of sulphur-producing bacteria. This in turn can lead to a positive impact in breath odour as evidenced by the results here.

Stool Odour

Specific fatty acids stay within the gut to support proliferation, differentiation and maturation of the gut cells – and at 4.5 times the oxidation rate of glucose, are the preferred energy source for cells in the lining of the large intestine. These support better development of villi in the small intestine: finger-like protrusions into the gut lumen which increase the absorptive area for nutrients. This results in higher villi and increased crypt depth, which is regarded a positive measure of gut health. The supportive role of fatty acids for the gut lining are pronounced to the extent that both the small and large intestine of dogs become longer and heavier when diets are supplemented with specific fatty acids. Hormonal and other signalling pathways are thought to mediate these developments.

Coat shine

Owners also recorded a significant improvement in coat shine.

Coat Shine

The fatty acids in DeviGuard CA have shown antimicrobial efficacy in vitro against various subspecies of Streptococcus, Salmonella and other microorganisms. The synergistic response of the blend is the optimal approach to achieve its antimicrobial, anti-fungal and anti-inflammatory qualities. These properties can help to contribute to healthier skin and shinier coat.

The beneficial impact of the fatty acids on general health and wellbeing is reflected by a healthy coat. Fatty acids reduce the pH in the gut, which creates a favourable environment for a microbiome associated with good gut health. Some parts of the blend get absorbed rapidly, directly into the portal vein, others enter through the lymphatic system and oxidise to ketones. This provides a source of energy for the gut and brain for healthy development.

DeviGuard CA can support pet health

DeviGuard CA can provide benefits for pets and owners by supporting gut health, stool quality and the ability to pick up, stool and breath odour, and coat shine.

To find out more about how DeviGuard CA can support the health of the pets you are feeding, speak to your Devenish Account Manager or call +44 (0) 2890 755566.

References are available upon request.

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