As principle sponsors, Devenish held a number of events and visits:
A session on "Healthy Livestock Products for Healthy Humans" where a panel including Prof Pat Wall (UCD), Prof Alice Stanton (RCSI), Professor Jyrki Virtanen (University of eastern Finland), Professor Jessica Smyth (UCD) and Dr Heather Hayes presented our work on Omega-3 enriched chicken as well as talking about the possible health benefits on an omega-3 rich diet.
A visit to the Lands at Dowth for over 150 delegates and invited guests showcasing how farming and food has influenced the landscape and society for over 6,000 years. Minister Michelle McIlveen, Northern Ireland's Minister of Agriculture also helped us to present a painting to Philippe Chemineau, the outgoing President of EAAP.
A mill tour and company presentation to 20 delegates where they learned more about Devenish, our history and our manufacturing capabilities.
The events made an extremely positive impact and an opportunity to show the level of research and development that Devenish complete. Philippe Chemineau spoke extremely highly of Devenish and commented at both the Plenary Session and event at Dowth how Devenish are "the perfect example of what can happen when research and industry come together".
Please see below for a range of photos from across the event.